High-fiber diet alters gut bacteria to protect against food allergy

A high-fiber diet rich in vitamin A may lower the risk of food allergy, suggest researchers who found that it protected against peanut allergy in mice.

Dietary fiber and lung health: eat well, breath easy

Recently published research elucidates an unexpected connection between a high-fiber diet and maintaining a healthy set of lungs.

High-fiber diet during pregnancy may protect offspring against asthma

A new study finds a high-fiber diet alters the gut bacteria of pregnant women, leading to the release of anti-inflammatory substances that protect offspring from developing asthma.

Simply eating more fiber could boost weight loss

A high-fiber diet may offer comparable health outcomes to the American Heart Association’s diet while being easier to follow, according to a new study.

Dietary fiber reduces asthma

A high-fiber diet reduces the severity of allergic airway disease, including decreased lung inflammation, in mice according to a study published online in Nature Medicine. These findings highlight how diet can influence immune cell development and disease outside of the gut.

Prostate Cancer Progression May Be Prevented By A High Fiber Diet

A high-fiber diet may have the clinical potential to control the progression of prostate cancer in patients diagnosed in early stages of the disease. The rate of prostate cancer occurrence in Asian cultures is similar to the rate in Western cultures, but in the West, prostate cancer tends to progress, whereas in Asian cultures it does not…

High-Fiber Diets During Early Adult Years May Lower Lifetime Cardiovascular Disease Risk

A new study from Northwestern Medicine shows a high-fiber diet could be a critical heart-healthy lifestyle change young and middle-aged adults can make. The study found adults between 20 and 59 years old with the highest fiber intake had a significantly lower estimated lifetime risk for cardiovascular disease compared to those with the lowest fiber intake…

Load up on fiber now, avoid heart disease later

A new study shows a high-fiber diet could be a critical heart-healthy lifestyle change young and middle-aged adults can make.

Fiber Intake Level Key In Warding Off Death

People who ate a high-fiber diet decreased their risk of dying over a nine year period compared to those who ate less fiber. Eating a diet rich in fiber has long been known to help keep your digestive tract working properly. It’s also thought to lower the risk of heart disease, some cancers and diabetes…