What is the link between gluten and rheumatoid arthritis?

Some people find that eating gluten can trigger rheumatoid arthritis (RA) symptom flares.

Can lemon water help with acid reflux?

Many people believe that drinking lemon can reduce the symptoms of acid reflux. However, there is little research to support this claim. Some people find it helps, while in others, lemon water may make acid reflux worse.

Trouble losing weight? This might be why

Some people find it harder to lose weight than others, but why is this? A new study has identified a molecule in fat cells that could be to blame.

Study Highlights The Need To Focus Dietary Messages On Eating A Healthy Balanced Diet

Research recdently published shows why people find it hard to follow Government guidelines to cut their fat and sugars intake at the same time – a phenomenon known as the sugar-fat seesaw…