Everything you need to know about pebble poop

Pebble poop is small, pellet-like stool, and it is usually a sign of constipation. In this article, learn about the possible causes, as well as treatments and home remedies.

September 25, 2019 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , ,

Does Hydroxycut work for weight loss?

Hydroxycut is a weight loss supplement that contains caffeine, as well as other extracts and minerals. In this article, find out whether it is effective and learn about the possible risks.

What are the benefits of licorice root?

Licorice root may offer potential health benefits, such as fighting infection, preventing tooth decay, and relieving stomach discomfort. Learn more about the possible benefits of licorice root here.

Dandelion tea benefits

Dandelion tea offers potential health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, improving cholesterol levels, and fighting flu.

Health benefits of elderberry

Elderberry fruit is a traditional natural remedy for colds and flus. Some research backs up these claims, though more research is needed. In this article, we look at the possible health benefits and risks of medicinal elderberries.

Are probiotics good or bad for Crohn’s disease?

Researchers are increasingly looking into whether probiotics can help reduce symptoms for people with inflammatory bowel diseases, including Crohn’s disease. In this article, we look at the possible benefits and risks, as well as what the current research concludes.

Which foods help prevent migraines?

Food is one of the possible triggers of migraines. As a result, some people who get migraines may benefit from eating or avoiding certain types of food.

Can lemon water help with acid reflux?

Many people believe that drinking lemon can reduce the symptoms of acid reflux. However, there is little research to support this claim. Some people find it helps, while in others, lemon water may make acid reflux worse.

Everything you need to know about dextrose

Dextrose is a type of sugar that comes from corn. It has a wide variety of uses, including as a sweetener in many foods and as a medical treatment for low blood sugar and dehydration. In this article, learn about the uses of dextrose in food and medicine.

Serum iron test: High, low, and normal ranges

A serum iron test can tell doctors whether a person has low, healthy, or high iron levels. Normal levels vary between individuals, but having a result outside the standard ranges may indicate a health problem. Learn the possible causes of an abnormal serum iron test result, and how to treat the underlying conditions.

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