What foods protect the liver?

Some foods and drinks can help protect liver health. These include coffee, oatmeal, grapes, nuts, and fatty fish, among others.

Which foods help prevent migraines?

Food is one of the possible triggers of migraines. As a result, some people who get migraines may benefit from eating or avoiding certain types of food.

Foods for bladder health

Having an overactive bladder can be a very challenging condition, but there are many ways in which people can improve their symptoms. These include monitoring the foods and drinks that they consume, as well as avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods.

Is saturated or unsaturated fat better for you?

Saturated and unsaturated fat are the two main forms of dietary fat. The health impact of these different types of fat has been debated for years

Diet and depression: Foods and nutrients for recovery

Depression is a common mental illness that can impact daily life. In this article, learn about the foods and nutrients that can help to treat depression.

July 16, 2017 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , , ,

Diet tips for psoriatic arthritis: Foods to eat and avoid

In this article, learn about the foods to eat for people with psoriatic arthritis.

Two billion people suffering from hidden hunger according to 2014 Global Hunger Index, even as levels of hunger in many developing countries decrease

A staggering 2 billion people get so little essential vitamins and minerals from the foods they eat that they remain undernourished, according to the 2014 Global Hunger Index (GHI) being released…

Potato Alert! Creeping Weight Gain Tied To Type Of Food

Potato chips, other potatoes, sugary drinks, processed and unprocessed meat were found to be the foods most strongly linked to creeping weight gain, according to an analysis of studies that followed over 120,000 adults for 20 years…

Ban Junk Food Advertising To Young People – Australian Medical Association

The AMA called on the Government to ban junk food advertising to young people. AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said that a survey released today confirms that advertising has a direct impact on the foods and drinks that older children and adolescents choose to consume…