Scientists create tasty ginger beverages with healthy qualities

One is a soft drink and the other is milk fermented, both help the intestinal system, and their antioxidant activity may contribute to the prevention of cancer and vascular diseases.

Drinking Large Amounts Of Soft Drinks Associated With Asthma And COPD

A new study published in the journal Respirology reveals that a high level of soft drink consumption is associated with asthma and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)…

Fizzy Drinks Linked To Violence Amongst Teens

More blows to the fizzy, sugary drink industry with research suggesting that teens who drink a can a day of soft drink or around five cans per week are more likely to become aggressive, even carrying weapons and being physically violent with friends, fellow students and family members.

Study Linking Diet Soda And Stroke Risk Is Seriously Flawed

The Calorie Control Council stated today that research findings presented during a poster session at the International Stroke Conference claiming an association between diet soft drink consumption and increased risk of stroke and heart attack are critically flawed.