How can I eat a low-calorie diet as a vegan?

Low-calorie foods such as soy, oats, fruit, and popcorn can help people feel full for longer. They are also suitable for vegans and many of those following other diets

Soy, cruciferous vegetables associated with fewer common breast cancer treatment side effects

Consuming soy foods (such as soy milk, tofu and edamame) and cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbages, kale, collard greens, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli) may be associated with a reduction in common side effects of breast cancer treatment in breast cancer survivors, say a team of scientists.

Soy may raise risk of advanced prostate cancer

Researchers have identified a link between foods rich in isoflavones, such as soy, and a greater risk of advanced prostate cancer.

Diet that combines cholesterol-lowering foods results in greater decrease in LDL than low-saturated fat diet, study finds

Persons with high cholesterol who received counseling regarding a diet that combined cholesterol-lowering foods such as soy protein, nuts and plant sterols over six months experienced a greater reduction in their low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels than individuals who received advice on a low-saturated fat diet, according to a new study.