Which foods are high in histamine?

Some people experience the rare condition known as histamine intolerance where the body has built up too much histamine.

New review highlights principles of nutrition management of inherited metabolic disorders

Thanks to screening of newborns and newly developed therapies, the population of patients with inherited metabolic disorders has expanded.

Fresh milk, off the grid

Even though much of the population in developing countries is involved in agriculture, food security is virtually out of reach.

Researchers Create A New Tool To Fight Childhood Obesity

Dieters often use online calorie calculators to stay true to their weight-loss plan.

CDC Announces People In The US Have Healthy Vitamin And Mineral Levels

Whilst pointing out that certain groups of the population have deficiencies, the CDC announced in a press release today, that in all, the US population has good levels of the main essential vitamins and minerals.

Organic Food Can Have High Concentrations Of Arsenic

Rice is known to have concentrations of arsenic that find their way into the population, especially among people who consume more rice than other staples. New research is suggesting that even organic brown rice can have high concentrations of arsenic, and with processing to produce syrups and other packaged foods, the poison can become more concentrated…

Dietary Supplements May Encourage Health-Risk Behaviors

Do you belong to the one-half of the population that frequently uses dietary supplements with the hope that it might be good for you? Well, according to a study published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, there seems to be an interesting asymmetrical relationship between the frequency of dietary supplement …

Fructose-Rich Beverages Associated With Increased Risk Of Gout In Women

Consumption of fructose-rich beverages, such as sugar-sweetened sodas and orange juice is associated with an increased risk of gout among women, although their contribution to the risk of gout in the population is likely modest because of the low incidence rate among women, according to a study that will appear in the November 24 print edition of JAMA…

Consumption of ‘good salt’ can reduce population blood pressure levels, research finds

An increased intake of ‘good’ potassium salts could contribute significantly to improving blood pressure at the population level, according to new research. The favorable effect brought about by potassium is even estimated to be comparable with the blood pressure reduction achievable by halving the intake of ‘bad’ sodium salts (mostly from table salt).