How to get more vitamin D from the sun

Even a short time in the sun can provide all the vitamin D a person needs for the day. Learn how to get the most vitamin D from the sun, and other sources, here.

Low vitamin D and obesity as teenagers may accelerate MS

A study published in Neurology shows that people with MS who spent time in the sun as teenagers – and who were not obese – developed the disease later than others.

What causes the sunlight flavour in milk?

Most of us have tasted milk that has been left in the sun – it has a distinctive off-flavour. The reason is that milk and other dairy products turn rancid when exposed to light.

Vitamin D Levels In Children Most Likely Determined By Supplements Taken And Consumption Of Cow’s Milk

Taking a vitamin D supplement and drinking cow’s milk are the two most important factors that determine how much vitamin D is in a child’s body, new research has found. Those factors play a bigger role than even skin colour and exposure to the sun, according to Dr