How to get more vitamin D from the sun

Even a short time in the sun can provide all the vitamin D a person needs for the day. Learn how to get the most vitamin D from the sun, and other sources, here.

How long you can live without water

The human body requires water to function properly. The ideal amount a person needs depends on several factors including age, sex, and physical activity levels. Learn more here.

What are the best foods for vitamin C?

The body does not store excess vitamin C, so a person needs to absorb enough from food each day to meet the recommended intake. This article looks at the top 20 foods rich in vitamin C and ideas for incorporating them into the diet.

How much omega-3 should you get each day?

The amount of omega-3 a person needs each day depends on their age and sex.

What to eat if you have hepatitis C

Hepatitis C can damage the liver and lead to cirrhosis, or scarring of the liver. Damage to the liver may mean that a person needs to modify their diet.