Women, particularly minorities, do not meet nutrition guidelines shortly before pregnancy

Black, Hispanic and less-educated women consume a less nutritious diet than their well-educated, white counterparts in the weeks leading up to their first pregnancy, according to the only…

Couples’ caffeine intake before pregnancy may affect miscarriage risk

Couples who consume more than two caffeinated drinks daily in the weeks leading up to conception may be at greater risk of miscarriage than those who drink less caffeine.

Less focused on recurrent bad feelings through probiotics

People focus less on bad feelings and experiences from the past (i.e. rumination) after four weeks of probiotics administration.

Non-Alcoholic Red Wine Lowers Blood Pressure

Non-alcoholic red wine was found to lower blood pressure in men at high risk of heart disease, researchers from Spain reported in the journal Circulation Research. The authors explained that the men who drank non-alcoholic red wine daily for four weeks had higher levels of nitric oxide in their blood…