Before you start bone-building meds, try dietary calcium and supplements, experts urge

Has a bone density scan placed you at risk for osteoporosis, leading your doctor to prescribe a widely advertised bone-building medication? Not so fast! A new study finds that an effective first course of action is increasing dietary calcium and vitamin D or taking calcium and vitamin D supplements.

The Long-Term Metabolic Impact Of Early Nutrition

Nutrition during the first days or weeks of life may have long-term consequences on health, potentially via a phenomenon known as the metabolic programming effect, according to a study to be presented Monday, May 2, at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual meeting in Denver…

Keep Food Safe After Power Outages, ADPH Advises

The Alabama Department of Public Health advises caution with food and drinking water in the aftermath of recent tornadoes. Do not taste any food or drink you think is spoiled. Identify and throw away food that may not be safe to eat.