Walnuts Reduce Breast Cancer Risk By Half In Animal Studies

Mice fed a diet that included daily walnuts had half the risk of developing breast cancer compared to those on a typical diet, researchers from Marshal University School of Medicine reported in the journal Nutrition and Cancer. Elaine Hardman, Ph.D…

Potential Link Between Crohn’s Disease, Gut Microbes And Diet

“You are what you eat” is familiar enough, but how deep do the implications go? An interdisciplinary group of investigators from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania have found an association between long-term dietary patterns and the bacteria of the human gut…

Metabolic Syndrome Prevented By Powerful Antioxidant Resveratrol In Lab Tests

Researchers in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta have discovered that resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant found in common foods, prevents a syndrome in some offspring that could lead to later health issues such as diabetes. Resveratrol is found in fruits, nuts and red wine, and has been shown to extend the lifespan of many species…