Study linking gut microbe type with diet has implications for fighting GI disorders

“You are what you eat” is familiar enough, but how deep do the implications go? An interdisciplinary group of investigators has found an association between long-term dietary patterns and the bacteria of the human gut.

Go With Your Gut; Diet Influences Microbe Type In Stomach

It turns out that you have to “go with your gut” after all, or in fact, your gut goes with you and what you consume. Gut microbes play a significant, and underestimated, role in human health new research shows…

Too Much Salt In Shop Bread, Say UK Group

A recent survey of the salt content of nearly 300 fresh and packaged loaves from chain and independent high street bakeries, supermarkets and their in-store bakeries, found that more than one quarter of them (28%) contained the same amount, or more, of salt in one slice as in a packet of crisps (known in the US as potato chips)…

‘Plastic Bottle’ Solution For Arsenic-Contaminated Water Threatening 100 Million People

With almost 100 million people in developing countries exposed to dangerously high levels of arsenic in their drinking water, and unable to afford complex purification technology, scientists today described a simple, inexpensive method for removing arsenic based on chopped up pieces of ordinary plastic beverage bottles coated with a nutrient found in many foods and dietary supplements…