Research shows the superiority of whey protein

As science continues to support the role of protein in building and maintaining lean muscle, maintaining weight and aging healthy, consumers are embracing the important role of protein in the diet. But not all proteins are created equal and it turns out that protein quality really does matter.

Immune Defenses Improved By Consumption Of Green Vegetables

Researchers reporting online in the journal Cell, a Cell Press publication, have found another good reason to eat your green vegetables, although it may or may not win any arguments with kids at the dinner table. It turns out that green vegetables — from bok choy to broccoli — are the source of a chemical signal that is important to a fully functioning immune system…

Go With Your Gut; Diet Influences Microbe Type In Stomach

It turns out that you have to “go with your gut” after all, or in fact, your gut goes with you and what you consume. Gut microbes play a significant, and underestimated, role in human health new research shows…

Making Healthier Choices: Scientists Show Link Between Attention And Self-Control

You’re trying to decide what to eat for dinner. Should it be the chicken and broccoli