‘Sugar and carbs are the obesity culprits, not lack of exercise’

While exercise is good for health, including reducing heart and cancer risks, it does little to counter obesity, say experts, who emphasize dietary choice is the important factor.

Vitamin D and calcium disparities found among American subpopulations

Many Americans do not meet recommended intakes of calcium and vitamin D, despite the important role these vital nutrients play in bone health during all stages of the lifecycle.

Research shows the superiority of whey protein

As science continues to support the role of protein in building and maintaining lean muscle, maintaining weight and aging healthy, consumers are embracing the important role of protein in the diet. But not all proteins are created equal and it turns out that protein quality really does matter.

Oats and their role in human health: a review of the evidence

Oats may deserve the well-earned status of “super grain”, according to research presented at the American Association of Cereal Chemists International annual meeting, being held this week in Albuquerque, NM.

Whole And Refined Grains Have A Place Within New Dietary Guidelines

Consumers should divide their daily grain servings between whole and refined varieties to avoid missing out on the important health benefits of both, according to experts at a symposium Tuesday during the 2011 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting & Food Expo®…

International Conference Emphasizes Critical Links Between Nutrition And Agriculture

Over the next three days more than 900 leaders and experts from agriculture and health will gather in New Delhi, India to amplify the important linkage between nutrition and agriculture in poverty reduction…

Drinking 100 Percent Fruit Juice Is Linked To Higher Intake Of Essential Nutrients

With so few Americans consuming the recommended amounts of fruit each day, finding quick and simple ways to add additional fruit servings – and the important nutrients they provide – is more critical than ever. Although USDA recognizes that 4-oz of 100 percent juice supplies one serving (1/2 cup) of fruit, there is still confusion regarding the healthfulness of juice…

Vitamin E Rapidly Depleted By Burn Injuries

Severe burn injuries in children have been shown to rapidly deplete the levels of vitamin E in their body’s adipose, or fat tissues, a new clinical study has found. Stored levels of this important antioxidant were reduced more in a few weeks than might normally be possible in years…