Consuming animal protein could prevent functional decline in older men

The medical community has presented findings on both the pros and cons of eating a diet high in animal protein as of late. But now, researchers publishing in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society suggest consuming a diet high in animal protein could help older men function at higher physical, psychological and social levels.

When mothers have network of peers, malnourished children are better fed

Women in rural India who participate in a vocational training program learn more than just life skills. A recent University of Illinois study found that mothers who participated in a program designed to educate and empower women gained a network of peers that led to increased bargaining strength in the home, and significantly improved their children’s consumption of rice and dairy.

IBS and bloating: When the gut microbiota gets out of balance

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) belongs to the most widespread diseases in Western countries, causing up to sixty per cent of the workload of gastrointestinal physicians. One of the most frequent symptoms of IBS is bloating, which reduces quality of life considerably as patients perceive it as particularly bothersome.

Nutrition & probiotics are key factors for digestive health

A healthy and balanced diet, as well as probiotics, have been known to be helpful in preserving gastrointestinal health for quite a long time. But it is only recently that the underlying mechanisms have become somewhat clearer.