New school meal standards significantly increase fruit, vegetable consumption

New federal standards launched in 2012 that require schools to offer healthier meals have led to increased fruit and vegetable consumption, according to a new study.

Increased intake of fish can boost good cholesterol levels

Increasing the intake of fatty fish increases the number of large HDL particles, according to a recent study completed at the University of Eastern Finland. People who increased their intake of fish to a minimum of 3-4 weekly meals had more large HDL particles in their blood than people who are less frequent eaters of fish.

Students ‘eat more fruits and vegetables’ under new school lunch standards

In 2012, the US Department of Agriculture updated the guidelines on school lunches, recommending that schools should offer healthier meals to students.

Bedroom TVs a cause of childhood obesity, study suggests

Recent figures show that childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents over the past 3 decades. New research suggests that children who have televisions in their bedroom are more likely to gain weight, compared with those who do not have them in their bedroom.This is according to a study recently published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.