UTHealth experts provide insight on causes of child obesity, tactics to end it

Encouraging more social interaction for children rather than just limiting TV time and enforcing strong nutritional policies in schools are two of the ways to decrease child obesity rates, according…

Nutrition and pregnancy: Scientists challenge ‘eat for two’ myth

A new study, published in eLife, has shown that women may not need to ‘eat for two’ during pregnancy because the body could adapt to absorb more energy from the same amount of food.

CDC warn of edible marijuana dangers following death of 19-year-old student

A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention examines the case of a student who fell to his death following the consumption of recreational edible marijuana.

Salt, sweet, sour… now fat is one of our basic tastes

In a new study, participants grouped cups of taste solution to identify ‘fat’ taste as a distinct new taste alongside the traditional basic tastes of salt, sweet and so on.

FDA revises proposed Nutrition Facts label rule to include a daily value for added sugars

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has proposed including the percent daily value (%DV) for added sugars on the Nutrition Facts label of packaged foods, giving consumers additional information…

Synthetic coral could remove toxic heavy metals from the ocean; new material mimics the structure of coral, a natural adsorbent of heavy metals

A new material that mimics coral could help remove toxic heavy metals like mercury from the ocean, according to a new study published in the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.

WSU Researchers Find US breast milk is glyphosate free

Study is first independently verified look for the presence of Roundup ingredient in human milkWashington State University scientists have found that glyphosate, the main ingredient in the…

Expert panel sets nutrition guidelines to manage GI symptoms in autism

Framework to navigate food selectivity, alternative diets, nutritional deficitsA new guideline for the nutrition of management gastrointestinal symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorders…

Resolving the cancer/diet paradox: New special issue on cancer in metabolism

How much does diet affect the cancer patient? Do “antioxidants” really play an important role in health – or are they causing more cancers than they cure?

Research suggests retail meat is a potential vehicle for disease-causing Klebsiella

Increasing antibiotic resistance among Klebsiella poses a serious public health threat; Milken Institute School of Public Health-led study is first to link Klebsiella-contaminated food to urinary and…

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