Drastic action on sugar consumption recommended

The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) have passed on final recommendations to the Government relating to sugar and also fibre and wholegrains as part of their Carbohydrates and…

Restaurant food ‘just as unhealthy as fast food’

Eating out at restaurants and fast-food outlets alike results in consuming around 200 more calories a day than eating at home, according to the results of a new study.

Some like it sweet, others not so much: It’s partly in the genes

Twin study suggests a common genetic pathway underlies sweet taste perception of natural and non-caloric sweetenersA new study from the Monell Center and collaborating institutions suggests that…

Sitting time not associated with poorer diets in US adults

Distracted eating,’ advertisements may explain link between TV viewing and dietPreviously identified associations between TV viewing and a less healthful diet may stem from exposure to…

Eating the wrong wild mushroom can destroy your liver

Misidentification of edible wild mushrooms is common say researchers who describe a case of a woman whose liver failed after eating foraged wild mushrooms she thought were edible.

Taxing the dose of calories in sugary drinks could help reduce obesity

A tax on sugary drinks that depends on the number of calories or amount of sugar per liter could help fight obesity, suggests new research published in Social Science & Medicine.

Innovative sodium reduction ingredient provides meaningful reductions in sodium intake

Innovative sodium reduction ingredient provides meaningful reductions in sodium intake Sodium intake in the U.S.