Could a sugar tax help combat obesity?

Following the BMA’s call for a 20% sugar tax to subsidise the cost of fruit and vegetables, experts in The BMJ this week debate whether a sugar tax could help combat obesity.

Coffee drinking habits may influence risk of mild cognitive impairment

Increasing coffee consumption over time to more than one cup daily may raise the risk of mild cognitive impairment, while reducing it may lower risk, according to new research.

Diabetics who skip breakfast provoke hazardous blood sugar spikes

Type-2 diabetics who ‘fast’ until noon risk day-long consequences, says Tel Aviv University researcherMore and more Americans on-the-go are skipping the “most important meal of the day,” not…

Study explains why ‘eating for two’ during pregnancy is not necessary

A new study of flies suggests a hormone released in early pregnancy enlarges the gut so it absorbs more energy from food and stimulates the body to store more fat.