Specific coffee chemicals may ward off type 2 diabetes

New research investigating two of coffee’s ingredients – cafestol and caffeic acid – may help explain coffee’s preventive effects on type 2 diabetes.

Report concludes that EU action is needed to set legal limits on trans fats in food

On 3 December, the European Commission adopted a report on trans fats (TFA) in food and in the overall diet of Europeans.

Teaching parents about the importance of breakfast has benefits for both parent and child

Both in-person and online education are effective in reducing breakfast-skipping and improving nutrition in children, according to a new study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Prenatal maternal iron intake shown to affect the neonatal brain

In the first study of its kind, researchers have shown that inadequate maternal iron intake during pregnancy exerts subtle effects on infant brain development.

CNIC researchers discover link between a mitochondrial defect and heart disease

The study shows that a diet rich in fatty acids can prevent heart disease and increase survival of the mice with this condition.

Foodborne diseases kill 125,000 children a year

Foodborne disease affects 1 in 10 people worldwide every year, killing 420,000 and causing 33 million lost days of productivity. Children under 5 years are particularly affected.

10 Tips For Successful Weight Loss

In this article, we look at 10 tips for successful weight loss that can be followed to help you lose weight and keep it off for good.