Are apples good for diabetes?

A person with diabetes must monitor the carbohydrate and sugar in their diet. Although apples contain these compounds, they are a healthful choice for people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In this article, find out the effects of apples on blood sugar and insulin levels, plus other fruits to eat for diabetes.

13 low-carb fruits and vegetables

Fruit tends to have a higher carbohydrate content than most vegetables, because of the naturally occurring sugars – they’re sweeter, after all.

Research shows weight loss and improved cholesterol levels with walnut-rich diet

A walnut-rich, higher fat diet showed comparable weight loss to a lower fat, higher carbohydrate diet among overweight and obese women.

Diet Linked With Daytime Sleepiness And Alertness In Healthy Adults

A new study suggests that your level of sleepiness or alertness during the day may be related to the type of food that you eat.

Patients With Intestinal Failure Benefit From Prebiotic

Adding the right prebiotic to the diets of pediatric patients with intestinal failure could replace intravenous feeding, says a new University of Illinois study. “When we fed the carbohydrate fructooligosacharide (FOS) as a prebiotic, the gut grew and increased in function,” said Kelly A.