Potatoes and pregnancy: a recipe for diabetes?

The potato is one of the most commonly consumed food items on the planet. However, new research shows that pregnant women should be slightly more cautious around this tuber.

Association between grape consumption and healthier eating patterns in US children and adults

In a new observational study published in the Journal of Food Science, researchers looked at the association of grape consumption, in the non-alcoholic forms most commonly consumed – fresh grapes, raisins and 100% grape juice – with the diet quality of a recent, nationally representative sample of U.S. children and adults…

Snacking On Raisins Controls Hunger, Promotes Satiety In Children

New research recently announced at the Canadian Nutrition Society annual meeting in Vancouver, B.C., suggests eating raisins as an after-school snack prevents excessive calorie intake and increases satiety – or feeling of fullness – as compared to other commonly consumed snacks…