Could yogurt help lower high blood pressure?

A study finds women who ate at least five yogurt portions per week had a lower risk of developing high blood pressure; the link was strongest for those on a healthy diet.

Yogurt may protect women from developing high blood pressure

Women who ate five or more servings of yogurt per week had a lower risk of developing high blood pressure compared to those who rarely ate yogurt, according to research presented at the American…

CDC report finds sodium consumption high among U.S. children

More than 90 percent of U.S. children, aged 6-18 years, eat more sodium than recommended, putting them at risk for developing high blood pressure and heart disease later in life, according to a new…

Yogurt May Protect Against High Blood Pressure

A new study finds adding low calorie yogurt to your diet may help lower your risk of high blood pressure. The new information presented at the American Heart Association’s High Blood Pressure Research 2012 Scientific Sessions, has found that long-term yogurt eaters had a lower systolic blood pressure, as well as a diminished risk of developing high blood pressure…