Could yogurt help lower high blood pressure?

A study finds women who ate at least five yogurt portions per week had a lower risk of developing high blood pressure; the link was strongest for those on a healthy diet.

Study finds association between energy drinks and traumatic brain injury in teens

Teens who reported a traumatic brain injury in the past year were seven times more likely to have consumed at least five energy drinks in the past week than those without a history of TBI…

New ways of eating fruit

Fruit must be an essential part of our diet. Experts recommend eating at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day

Many Women Have Been On ‘More Than 20’ Diets

Women are being warned about the dangers of yo-yo diets after a UK-wide survey revealed that more than one in five women have been on at least five diets and regained weight and many have been on at least 20 diets without keeping the pounds off…

Consider Changing Focus From Dieting To Living Healthy This Holiday Season

Changing your focus from dieting to living healthy during the holidays boosts the chances of maintaining your perfect weight. “Many of us will gain at least five pounds from the middle of October through New Year’s Day,” said Stefanie Barthmare, a psychotherapist with the Methodist Weight Management Center in Houston…

Consider Changing Focus From Dieting To Living Healthy This Holiday Season

Changing your focus from dieting to living healthy during the holidays boosts the chances of maintaining your perfect weight. “Many of us will gain at least five pounds from the middle of October through New Year’s Day,” said Stefanie Barthmare, a psychotherapist with the Methodist Weight Management Center in Houston…