Diabetes: Nuts could reduce cardiovascular risk

Individuals with type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. According to a new study, eating nuts regularly might reduce the danger.

Are eggs good for people with diabetes?

Eggs are a good source of protein for people with diabetes.

Reducing diabetes risk with a personalized diet

A new study concludes that personalized dietary changes could be significantly more effective at managing blood sugar than traditional methods.

What are the best foods for people with diabetes?

People with diabetes benefit from balancing certain food groups. In this article, we discuss some of the best foods to eat, as well as which types to limit.

What are the best nuts for diabetes?

Nuts can help improve the outlook for people with diabetes. They provide many nutritional benefits that can reduce complications and the progression of the condition

Sweet options for people with diabetes

People with diabetes may find it challenging to find sweets and desserts that are safe to enjoy. In this article, learn tips and tricks to make dessert options healthful for people with diabetes.

Are almonds beneficial for people with diabetes?

As part of a balanced diet, almonds and almond milk are good options for people with diabetes. These nuts are rich in protein, healthful fats, and fiber but low in carbohydrates.

How to control diabetes: Reduce meat intake

A new meta-analysis concludes that switching to a plant-based diet could significantly improve the psychological and physical symptoms of diabetes.

October 31, 2018 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , ,

Can people with diabetes eat potatoes?

Potatoes are a starchy vegetable that can raise blood sugar levels.

Intermittent fasting may help fight type 2 diabetes

A recently published small-scale study investigates whether intermittent fasting might be a useful intervention for individuals with type 2 diabetes.

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