UK diabetes study to look at diet against exercise

Exercise is being pitted against diet in a straight contest to find out which results in better diabetes control and the effect on heart function as part of new research in Leicester.

Vitamin D supplementation in pregnancy benefits winter babies

First randomized, placebo-controlled trial on the effect of vitamin D supplementation on bone health of newborns finds babies born in winter benefit from maternal supplementation.

High salt in high-fat diet found to prevent weight gain in mice

Researchers say their mouse study of salt content in high-fat diets highlights the effect noncaloric nutrients can have on weight gain.

Five daily portions of fruit and vegetables may be enough to lower risk of early death

Eating five daily portions of fruit and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of death from any cause, particularly from cardiovascular disease, but beyond five portions appears to have no further effect, finds a new study.

Impact of sugar on tooth decay remains a major health concern, says FGDP(UK)

It is important that the effect of sugar intake on tooth decay is considered alongside obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease as a major public health challenge, according to the Faculty of…

Scientists study factors influencing intestinal microbes

Study results from Texas A&M University and University of North Carolina School of Medicine scientists on the effect of diet complexity and estrogen hormone receptors on intestinal microbiota has been published in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology…

Study Suggests Increasing Complexity Of Gut Effect On Health

The microbiome is your body’s set of microbial communities; microbial cells outnumber human cells roughly ten to one.

Strong Link Between Processed Meat And Premature Death

In a huge study of half a million men and women, research in Biomed Central’s open access journal BMC Medicine demonstrates an association between processed meat and cardiovascular disease and cancer. One of the difficulties in measuring the effect of eating meat on health is the confounding effect of lifestyle on health…

Menus Showing Miles Plus Calories Help People Choose Healthier Meals

A new US study that explores the effect of menu information on people’s choice of fast food meals finds they tend to choose healthier options when shown not only the calories they contain, but also how many miles they would have to walk to burn off those calories…

Foods That Elevate Moods

New evidence reveals the possibility of mood-enhancing effects associated with some flavors, stemming at least in part from natural ingredients bearing a striking chemical similarity to valproic acid, a widely used prescription mood-stabilizing drug, scientists reported. This effect joins those previously reported for chocolate, teas and some other known comfort foods…

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