What are the symptoms of an iron deficiency?

Iron deficiency symptoms include fatigue, dizziness, and cold extremities. In this article, learn about other symptoms and getting an iron deficiency diagnosis.

How to get more iron from the diet

Iron is an essential nutrient needed to transport oxygen around the body. Its deficiency can lead to anemia. Here, look at how to get more iron in the diet and increase its absorption.

Is it bad to eat ice?

Some people like to chew on ice cubes, but it can cause some complications, including dental problems. Compulsive ice eating is a psychological issue, but it is also a sign of some medical conditions, such as iron deficiency anemia. A doctor can determine the reason for ice cravings and provide appropriate treatment.

Can an iron deficiency cause hair loss?

Iron deficiency anemia occurs when a person does not have enough iron in their body or the body cannot use its supply properly. This can cause a variety of symptoms, which may include hair loss. In this article, learn about the link between an iron deficiency and hair loss, as well as the treatment options for both.

The Importance Of Preventing Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency is a worldwide problem, especially in developing countries and among infants and pregnant women. In infancy, iron deficiency is associated with poorer cognitive, motor, and social-emotional outcomes. In a new study scheduled for publication in The Journal of Pediatrics, researchers report on a 25-year follow-up of infants studied in Costa Rica for iron deficiency…

Iron And Folic Acid Directly Related To Improved Function In Children

Children whose mothers were given iron and folic acids while pregnant were found to have higher levels of intelligence, executive function and fine motor controls, researchers reveal in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association). Early iron deficiency has been shown to alter neuroanatomy and metabolism that in turn can stifle typical cognitive development patterns in children…