Can diet help with candida infections?

The candida diet involves avoiding foods that may promote the growth of Candida yeast in the body, such as sugars, gluten, and some dairy products. In this article, we look at how to follow this diet and whether it is effective.

Is pineapple good for diabetes?

Pineapple has a higher glycemic index (GI) score than other fruits, but people with diabetes can still include it as part of a healthful diet.

Which are the best bedtime snacks for diabetes?

Having a snack before bed can help some people manage their blood sugar levels overnight, offsetting the dawn phenomenon and the Somogyi effect. In this article, we look at how blood glucose changes overnight and the best snacks to balance blood sugar before bed.

Can cottonseed oil help lower your ‘bad’ cholesterol?

A recent study takes a look at how adding cottonseed oil to a high-fat diet impacts a person’s levels of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol, among other factors.

How to get more iron from the diet

Iron is an essential nutrient needed to transport oxygen around the body. Its deficiency can lead to anemia. Here, look at how to get more iron in the diet and increase its absorption.

Almond butter vs. peanut butter: Which is healthier?

Both peanut butter and almond butter are versatile ingredients and good sources of protein. They also have a variety of other health benefits. In this article, we look at how these two nut butters compare nutritionally, as well as how to add more nut butter to a healthful diet

How to use Manuka honey for acne

Manuka honey can be used for a variety of skin ailments and may even help treat acne.

Can baking soda treat a UTI?

In this article, we take a closer look at how safe and effective baking soda is for treating urinary tract infections, otherwise known as UTIs. Also, we recommend other home remedies and treatments for the symptoms of UTIs, which can be uncomfortable and debilitating but are a common occurrence, especially for women.

What is the average weight for women?

Find out what the average weights and obesity rates are for women around the world. We also look at how weight can be measured and controlled.

What foods should you eat if you have pancreatitis?

We take a look at how diet can help with pancreatitis, including foods to eat and foods to avoid. We also examine diet tips and treatment options.

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