What are the best ways to stop overeating?

Overeating can lead to obesity and other health problems over time. However, people can take simple steps to control their appetite and eat more healthfully. These steps include eating slowly, checking portion sizes, and reducing stress

Health benefits of mung beans

Mung beans are a healthful source of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Some research also suggests that they may have a range of other health benefits. Learn more here.

What are the benefits of protein powder?

People can use protein powder to supplement their protein intake, help build muscle, aid muscle recovery, and encourage healthy weight loss.

Almond butter vs. peanut butter: Which is healthier?

Both peanut butter and almond butter are versatile ingredients and good sources of protein. They also have a variety of other health benefits. In this article, we look at how these two nut butters compare nutritionally, as well as how to add more nut butter to a healthful diet

Is green tea good for BPH?

There are many potential treatments for an enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Many people look to green tea to manage their BPH, and the science suggests that it may offer relief for some symptoms, and provide other health benefits. Learn more about green tea for BPH, and whether it works, here.

Maintaining healthy weight helps keep blood pressure low through life

New research shows maintaining a healthy weight throughout life – more so than four other health behaviors studied – is important to help keep blood pressure in check, according to research presented…

Stress erases benefits of eating ‘good’ fats, study says

Choosing to eat healthier fats is important for cholesterol levels and other health measures, but a new study shows how stress can impact on these effects.