Diabetes: Best diets for weight loss

Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight can help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar and prevent complications.

Which meals are low in carbs?

A low-carb diet can help with reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, and it may especially benefit people with diabetes. This diet tends to contain high levels of protein and fat, but it should also include a variety of fruits and vegetables

What are the benefits of protein powder?

People can use protein powder to supplement their protein intake, help build muscle, aid muscle recovery, and encourage healthy weight loss.

Can a vegan diet help you lose weight?

People become vegan for a variety of reasons, from animal welfare and sustainability to improved heart health or weight loss. Learn how a vegan diet may help people lose extra weight and maintain a healthy weight long-term

Maintaining healthy weight helps keep blood pressure low through life

New research shows maintaining a healthy weight throughout life – more so than four other health behaviors studied – is important to help keep blood pressure in check, according to research presented…

Sugar-free and ‘diet’ drinks no better for healthy weight than full sugar drinks

Sugar-free and “diet” drinks are often seen as the healthier option – but researchers from Imperial College London have argued that they are no more helpful for maintaining a healthy weight than…

Weight and diet may help predict sleep quality

Overweight adults spend more of their sleep in REM stage than healthy weight adults do, says Penn Medicine study.

June 13, 2016 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , , , ,

A healthy lifestyle before bowel cancer diagnosis could help improve survival

Following lifestyle guidelines about diet, physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight is associated with an improved likelihood of survival when diagnosed with bowel cancerThis is based…

Healthy lifestyle choices may dramatically reduce risk of heart attack in men

Following a healthy lifestyle, including maintaining a healthy weight and diet, exercise, not smoking and moderating alcohol intake, could prevent four out of five coronary events in men, according to a new study.

Weight loss surgery ‘more effective than diet and exercise’

To maintain a healthy weight, medical professionals emphasize that diet and exercise are key. But a new study suggests that for those who are obese, weight-loss surgery is more effective at reducing body weight, compared with non-surgical methods…

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