Sugar-free and ‘diet’ drinks no better for healthy weight than full sugar drinks

Sugar-free and “diet” drinks are often seen as the healthier option – but researchers from Imperial College London have argued that they are no more helpful for maintaining a healthy weight than…

Parents need more guidance to prevent toddlers overeating

Reducing toddler’s portion sizes or number of eating occasions could potentially help to target weight gain in later life according to new research from University College London (UCL).

Only one third of women take folic acid before pregnancy to prevent spina bifida

Research recently published from Queen Mary University of London reveals less than 1 in 3 women have taken folic acid supplements before pregnancy to prevent spina bifida and other birth defects of the brain, spine, or spinal cord (neural tube defects).

Drinking Water Can Boost Cognitive Performance

There is evidence that mild dehydration has a negative effect on the brain’s performance. Caroline Edmonds and colleagues from the University of East London and the University of Westminster here report that drinking water can improve performance on tasks that require a rapid response, particularly when thirsty…

High Chocolate Intake And Nobel Prize Winnings Linked

It seems that countries with the highest regular chocolate intake per person have a proportionally greater number of Nobel Prize, winners, researchers from Kings College London and the Wellcome Trust have revealed in a new book. The NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine) has an article on this book…

October 15, 2012 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , , , , ,

Research Suggests Omega-3 Fatty Acids Could Prevent And Treat Nerve Damage

Research from Queen Mary, University of London suggests that omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil, have the potential to protect nerves from injury and help them to regenerate. When nerves are damaged because of an accident or injury, patients experience pain, weakness and muscle paralysis which can leave them disabled, and recovery rates are poor…

Link Found Between Vitamin D Deficiency And Changes Of Airway In Children With Severe Asthma

According to findings published online ahead of the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine’s print edition, London researchers discovered that lower vitamin D levels in the blood could be associated with poorer lung function in children suffering from severe therapy-resistant asthma (STRA) and worse symptoms compared to children with moderate asthma…

Fluorescent Fish Could Hold The Key To Understanding Diabetes And Other Diseases

Scientists from Queen Mary, University of London have discovered a new way of detecting zinc in zebra fish, that could pave the way for furthering our understanding of diseases like type 2 diabetes, prostate cancer and Alzheimer’s. The results will be announced today (3 July) at the Sixth International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry, in Brighton…

Finding Source Of E. Coli Outbreak In Germany – Why Has It Taken So Long?

Dr. Mark Fielder, from Kingston University, London, has been keeping a close watch on how the European E

68% of 14-15 year old girls in UK iodine deficient – health risk for them and their future offspring

Nearly 7 in every 10 girls in the UK aged 14 to 15 years have an iodine deficiency. Proper iodine levels are vital for the healthy development of a fetus. Dr Mark P J Vanderpump, from the Royal Free Hamsptead NHS Trust, London, UK, explained in the journal the Lancet that this is a serious public health concern, not just for the girls, but also their future babies…

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