Study highlights the importance of a balanced diet for mental health

An international study involving the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Valencia, recently published in The Lancet Psychiatry, highlights the importance of nutrition for…

Vitamin D supplements have little effect on risk of falls in older people

A new meta-analysis, published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology journal, concludes that there is no evidence to suggest that vitamin D supplements prevent falls, and that ongoing trials to…

Economic growth has little impact on reducing undernutrition in children

A large study of child growth patterns in 36 developing countries published in The Lancet Global Health journal has found that, contrary to widely held beliefs, economic growth is at best associated with very small, and in some cases no declines in levels of stunting, underweight, and wasting.

Vitamin D supplements do not prevent osteoporosis

Taking vitamin D supplements does not improve bone mineral density, a study involving more than 4,000 healthy adults published in The Lancet has found.

Positive lifestyle changes linked to reversed aging process

Positive lifestyle changes, such as adopting a healthy diet and moderate exercise, may reverse the aging process, according to a study published in The Lancet Oncology. Researchers from the University of California in San Francisco have discovered that certain lifestyle changes may increase the length of telomeres…

68% of 14-15 year old girls in UK iodine deficient – health risk for them and their future offspring

Nearly 7 in every 10 girls in the UK aged 14 to 15 years have an iodine deficiency. Proper iodine levels are vital for the healthy development of a fetus. Dr Mark P J Vanderpump, from the Royal Free Hamsptead NHS Trust, London, UK, explained in the journal the Lancet that this is a serious public health concern, not just for the girls, but also their future babies…

A Restricted Diet Should Be Part Of Standard Of Care For All Children With ADHD

In new research published in this week’s Lancet, researchers conclude that a special restricted diet (the restricted elimination diet) should be part of the standard of care for all children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)…