Which foods do you eat together? How you combine them may raise dementia risk

It’s no secret that a healthy diet may benefit the brain. However, it may not only be what foods you eat, but what foods you eat together that may be associated with your risk of dementia, according to a new study.

Walnuts may be good for the gut and help promote heart health

Researchers found that eating walnuts daily as part of a healthy diet was associated with increases in certain bacteria that can help promote health. Additionally, those changes in gut bacteria were associated with improvements in some risk factors for heart disease.

Fifteen healthful high-carb foods

Carbohydrates provide essential fuel for the body and are necessary for it to function efficiently. Many high-carb foods offer health benefits, such as providing fiber, protein, and key vitamins.

Healthy diet may lower risk of hearing loss in women

In a new study, researchers examined the relation between three different diets and risk of developing hearing loss, and found that eating a healthy diet is associated with a lower risk of acquired hearing loss in women.

Can diet help reduce disability, symptoms of MS?

For people with multiple sclerosis (MS), eating a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables and whole grains may be linked to having less disability and fewer symptoms than people whose diet is less healthy, according to a study.

Better cultural fit may encourage healthy eating

A study of adults from the U.S. and Japan finds whether a person adheres to a healthy diet may depend on how well they fit with their country’s culture.

A high-fat Mediterranean diet may protect against breast cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular events

According to researchers, a healthy diet can include “a lot of fat.” A review of available evidence suggests that a Mediterranean diet with no restrictions on fat intake may reduce a person’s risk…

How Should I Organize my Diet to Help my Diabetes?

A healthy diet is very important for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but what foods are best? This article looks at suitable foods and diet tips.

CDC: 90% of Americans consume too much salt

A new report from the CDC shows nearly all Americans consume more salt than is recommended for a healthy diet, placing themselves at higher risk for heart disease and stroke.

Study links body fat, weight loss, and chromosome length in breast cancer patients

It is well documented that a healthy diet and exercise are key in cancer prevention and management, but the exact mechanism hasn’t been clear.

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