Dementia risk higher in those who eat more trans fats

A new study of 1,628 older people living in Japan found a 52–74% higher chance of developing dementia in those with higher blood levels of trans fats.

Better cultural fit may encourage healthy eating

A study of adults from the U.S. and Japan finds whether a person adheres to a healthy diet may depend on how well they fit with their country’s culture.

Pickled turnip from Japan – new superfood to prevent flu infection?

Scientists have discovered that bacteria found in a traditional Japanese pickle can prevent flu. Could this be the next superfood?

Pica And Geophagy: Unearthing A Hidden Dietary Behavior

Though it was identified as a disorder as early as the 14th century, pica, or the eating of non-food items, has for years believed to be all but non-existent in a few corners of the globe – a 2006 study that reviewed research on pica found just four regions – the South of South America, Japan, Korea and Madagascar – where the behavior had never been observed…

Radioactive Tuna Migrated Into Californian Waters From Japan

Pacific bluefin tuna which have migrated from Japan to California have been found to be contaminated with radioactive cesium from the Fukushima nuclear accident, researchers from Stanford’s Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific have reported in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)…

Green Tea Protects Against Functional Disability Linked To Aging

Regular green tea drinkers have a lower risk of developing functional disability, researchers from Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Functional disability refers to problems with daily chores and activities, such as bathing or dressing…

Only 25 Percent Of Americans Say They Would Buy Japanese-Imported Food Following Fukushima Disaster

Despite rigorous testing and assurances from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that seafood and other food products imported from Japan are safe for consumption, three in four Americans in a recent study said they were not ready to purchase food from Japan, according to research presented at a symposium at the 2011 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting & Food Expo®…

Potential Natural Protection Against Radiation

In the midst of ongoing concerns about radiation exposure from the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, scientists are reporting that a substance similar to resveratrol – an antioxidant found in red wine, grapes and nuts – could protect against radiation sickness. The report appears in ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters…

Electrifying findings: New ways of boosting healthful antioxidant levels in potatoes

Scientists in Japan are busy zapping potatoes and, as a result, the fifth most popular food consumed around the world may one day become an even more healthful vegetable.

Diet high in B vitamins lowers heart risks in Japanese study

In a large study in Japan, women who reported eating more foods containing the B vitamins folate and B-6 were less likely to die from stroke and heart disease. Japanese men reporting diets high in these B vitamins were less likely to die of heart failure.