Study: Sleep-deprived preschoolers eat more

The preschoolers, all regular afternoon nappers, were deprived of roughly three hours of sleep on one day – they had no afternoon nap and were kept up for about two hours past their normal bedtime…

Choline In Eggs And Meat May Influence Gene Expression From Infancy To Adulthood

Just as women are advised to get plenty of folic acid around the time of conception and throughout early pregnancy, new research suggests another very similar nutrient may one day deserve a spot on the obstetrician’s list of recommendations…

Neurotoxin-Producing Algae That Affect Seafood Increasing In California

With toxic algal blooms – which can increase the amount of harmful toxins in the shellfish that California residents consume – ramping up in frequency and severity locally, scientists at USC have developed a new algae monitoring method in hopes of one day being able to predict when and where toxic “red tides” will occur…

Electrifying findings: New ways of boosting healthful antioxidant levels in potatoes

Scientists in Japan are busy zapping potatoes and, as a result, the fifth most popular food consumed around the world may one day become an even more healthful vegetable.