What are the benefits of drinking hot water?

Drinking water can support skin, muscle, and joint health. Drinking warm or hot water each day might offer even more benefits

Added fructose is a principal driver of type 2 diabetes

Recent studies have shown that added sugars, particularly those containing fructose, are a principal driver of diabetes and pre-diabetes, even more so than other carbohydrates.

Garlic sprouted for five days has improved antioxidant potential

“Sprouted” garlic – old garlic bulbs with bright green shoots emerging from the cloves – is considered to be past its prime and usually ends up in the garbage can. But scientists are reporting in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry that this type of garlic has even more heart-healthy antioxidant activity than its fresher counterparts.

Late Bedtimes Linked To Weight Gain In Healthy People

If you are healthy and go to bed late regularly and you do not sleep enough, your risk of gaining weight is significantly greater than if you go to bed earlier and have a good night’s sleep every night, says a new study published in the journal Sleep. If you also eat late at night, you will probably put on even more weight, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania added…

Heart Healthier Oat Variety Developed

Plant breeders of the Wisconsin-Madison University have developed a new oat variety called BetaGene, which is 2% higher in beta glucan and therefore even more cardio-friendly than other oat varieties on the market…

Electrifying findings: New ways of boosting healthful antioxidant levels in potatoes

Scientists in Japan are busy zapping potatoes and, as a result, the fifth most popular food consumed around the world may one day become an even more healthful vegetable.