Why might coffee drinkers live longer? Study sheds light

A new study finds that caffeine counters an inflammatory process linked to poor heart health in later life, explaining why coffee drinkers may live longer.

Toddlers’ eating habits may harm long-term health, UK

UK toddlers are consuming more calories and protein than recommended, potentially putting them at risk of obesity in later life, according to UCL research.

Parents need more guidance to prevent toddlers overeating

Reducing toddler’s portion sizes or number of eating occasions could potentially help to target weight gain in later life according to new research from University College London (UCL).

Low oxygen before birth, high-salt diet may pose risk for cardiovascular disease

Experiments on mice show that low oxygen before birth and a high-salt diet in later life increase the chance of cardiovascular disease.

Can diet and exercise prevent muscle loss in old age?

Scientists at the University of Southampton have shown that although some studies find diet can enhance the effects of exercise to prevent muscle loss in later life, current evidence about what…

Association Between Eating Behaviors In Preschoolers And Later Cardiovascular Risk

Eating behaviors of preschoolers may be associated with risk of cardiovascular disease in later life, suggests a study published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal)…

June 19, 2013 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , , ,

Seniors Could Be More Steady On Their Feet After Consuming Red Wine Compound

In a stride toward better health in later life, scientists reported that resveratrol, the so-called “miracle molecule” found in red wine, might help improve mobility and prevent life-threatening falls among older people…