16:8 fasting diet actually works, study finds

A first-of-its-kind study analyzes the effect of the so-called 16:8 fasting diet in people with obesity. The study found unexpected health benefits.

These four foods are proven to lower your cholesterol

A new analysis shows that the so-called Portfolio diet — which consists of four main food components — reduces cholesterol and cardiovascular risk.

‘Good’ cholesterol might actually be bad

A large new study in the general population has found a link between excessive mortality and high levels of the so-called good cholesterol.

Mediterranean diet with virgin olive oil may boost ‘good’ cholesterol

A Mediterranean diet, particularly when enriched with virgin olive oil, appears to improve the function of high-density lipoprotein, the so-called good cholesterol, in patients at high risk for heart disease. A Mediterranean diet rich in virgin olive oil may help the body remove excess cholesterol from arteries, serve as an antioxidant and keep blood vessels open — all of which are known to reduce cardiovascular risk.

Clinical trial of vitamin’ D for multiple sclerosis

In mice with a rodent form of multiple sclerosis (MS), vitamin D appears to block damage-causing immune cells from migrating to the central nervous system, offering a potential explanation for why the so-called “sunshine vitamin” may prevent or ease symptoms of the neurodegenerative disease, according to results of a study at Johns Hopkins.

Seniors Could Be More Steady On Their Feet After Consuming Red Wine Compound

In a stride toward better health in later life, scientists reported that resveratrol, the so-called “miracle molecule” found in red wine, might help improve mobility and prevent life-threatening falls among older people…

Vitamin A Plays Key Role In The Human Body

In a recently-published study mapping the structure and function of the so-called “orphan” nuclear receptor TR4, Van Andel Research Institute (VARI) investigators suggest that Vitamin A may play a more direct role than was previously known in certain physiological functions including sperm cell formation and the development of the central nervous system…