Keto diet may increase memory, reduce mortality

Two independent in vivo studies show that a keto diet may prevent memory loss and reduce risk of mortality in mid-life, hinting at clinical implications.

Antioxidant found in breast milk prevents liver disease, study finds

Antioxidants may prevent against chronic illnesses. A new study suggests that a common antioxidant protects against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Can fish oil prevent schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders?

Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil may prevent the onset of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, according to a new study.

Vitamin D supplements ‘do not reduce risk of heart attack or stroke’

Another study has questioned the benefits of vitamin D supplements, claiming they do not protect against heart attack or stroke, although they may prevent heart failure in seniors.

Clinical trial of vitamin’ D for multiple sclerosis

In mice with a rodent form of multiple sclerosis (MS), vitamin D appears to block damage-causing immune cells from migrating to the central nervous system, offering a potential explanation for why the so-called “sunshine vitamin” may prevent or ease symptoms of the neurodegenerative disease, according to results of a study at Johns Hopkins.

Consumption Of Colorful Fruit And Vegetables May Prevent Or Delay ALS

New research suggests that increased consumption of foods containing colorful carotenoids, particularly beta-carotene and lutein, may prevent or delay the onset of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)…

Vitamin E May Decrease Cancer Risk In Cowden Syndrome Patients

Cleveland Clinic researchers have discovered that vitamin E may prevent cancer in patients with an under-recognized genetic disorder. Several genetic mutations are known to be present in Cowden Syndrome (CS) – a disease that predisposes individuals to several types of cancers, including breast and thyroid cancers…

Daily Resveratrol May Prevent The Ill Effects Of Simulated Weightlessness On Muscle And Bone Metabolism

As strange as it sounds, a new research study published in the FASEB Journal, suggests that the “healthy” ingredient in red wine, resveratrol, may prevent the negative effects that spaceflight and sedentary lifestyles have on people…