What are the health benefits of lysine?

Lysine is an essential amino acid that people need to obtain from their diet. In this article, we discuss the function, benefits, and risks of lysine and lysine supplements.

What are monoglycerides and are they safe?

Monoglycerides are types of fatty acids made from glycerol and one fatty acid chain. They occur naturally in some foods and are added to others to improve texture, taste, and shelf life.

Mediterranean diet with virgin olive oil may boost ‘good’ cholesterol

A Mediterranean diet, particularly when enriched with virgin olive oil, appears to improve the function of high-density lipoprotein, the so-called good cholesterol, in patients at high risk for heart disease. A Mediterranean diet rich in virgin olive oil may help the body remove excess cholesterol from arteries, serve as an antioxidant and keep blood vessels open — all of which are known to reduce cardiovascular risk.

Age-related immune system decline slowed by antioxidants

A new study suggests that antioxidants in the diet could preserve the function of the thymus – an organ crucial to the immune system.

In rat model, hyperproteic diets found to be beneficial for bones

This research, published in the journal Food & Function, conducted at the University of Granada, also reveals that soy protein supplements are better than those with whey, since they improve calcium…

In rat model, hyperproteic diets found to be beneficial for bones

This research, published in the journal Food & Function, conducted at the University of Granada, also reveals that soy protein supplements are better than those with whey, since they improve calcium…

Tomato extract ‘improves blood vessel function’ in CVD patients

An antioxidant found in tomatoes – called lycopene – improves the function of blood vessels in patients with cardiovascular disease, according to new research.

Treating mitochondrial disease with vitamin B3

B vitamins have recently turned out to be potent modifiers of energy metabolism, especially the function of mitochondria.

Losing belly fat, whether from a low-carb or a low-fat diet, helps improve blood vessel function

Overweight people who shed pounds, especially belly fat, can improve the function of their blood vessels no matter whether they are on a low-carb or a low-fat diet, according to a new study.

Produce-Rich Diet Improves Long-Term Kidney Health, Melatonin Improves Short-Term Kidney Health

1. Kidney Disease Patients Benefit from a Diet High in Fruits and Vegetables – Healthy Foods Can Help Maintain Kidney Function In patients with kidney disease, the Western diet produces an acidic environment in the body that has numerous negative effects and worsens with age as kidney function declines…