Weight and diet may help predict sleep quality

Overweight adults spend more of their sleep in REM stage than healthy weight adults do, says Penn Medicine study.

June 13, 2016 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , , , ,

Finding sleep’s sweet spot

No one is telling you what time to go to bed with this, but researchers are making a strong case that the duration and timing of your sleep are closely associated with whether your behavior is…

Caffeine consumed 6 hours before bedtime reduced sleep by more than 1 hour

A new study shows that caffeine consumption even six hours before bedtime can have significant, disruptive effects on sleep.”Sleep specialists have always suspected that caffeine can disrupt sleep long after it is consumed,” said American Academy of Sleep Medicine President M. Safwan Badr, MD.

Caffeine can disrupt sleep hours later

Drinking coffee might be a nice way to round off the evening meal or perk you up in the late afternoon, but it may well disrupt your sleep hours later when you retire for the night, according to a new study reported this week.

Melatonin Brownies Known As "Lazy Larries" Are Unsafe, Says FDA

The FDA has written to HBB LLC, a manufacturer of melatonin brownies that they are unsafe and could be seized. The brownies contain melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone known to regulate our sleep-wake cycle.

Three-Quarters Of All Kids Have Caffeine Regularly, This Could Undermine Their Sleep

75% of all children consume caffeine every day, a nutritional habit which could have a negative effect on their sleep, researchers from the University of Nebraska Medical Center wrote in the Journal of Pediatrics. As background information, the investigators wrote that caffeine consumption is frequently blamed for bedwetting and sleep problems…