Carcinogens in BBQ smoke absorbed more by skin than lungs

A new study examines how carcinogens enter our bodies when exposed to fumes from a barbecue. They find that more enter through our skin than our lungs.

May 24, 2018 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , , , , ,

Plant pigments may preserve lung function into old age

In addition to their natural antioxidant properties, flavonoids — the compounds that give plants their color — may keep our lungs healthy into old age.

Study links high sugar intake to increased risk of breast cancer

Mice fed a diet enriched with sucrose or fructose were more likely to develop breast cancer and have the disease spread to the lungs, according to the results of a new study.

3-D printing aids in understanding food enjoyment

Tasting food relies on food volatiles moving from the back of the mouth to the nasal cavity, but researchers have wondered why airflow doesn’t carry them in the other direction, into the lungs.

Do fruit, vegetable supplements improve respiratory function in smokers?

Studies have shown that smokers, in addition to exposing their lungs to harmful toxins, often eat less fruits and vegetables than non-smokers. Given the role of fruit and vegetable based antioxidants in improving respiratory health and the difficulty of achieving lasting dietary change, researchers hypothesized that powdered fruit and vegetable supplements could improve respiratory function in heavy smokers