Trying to eat healthfully? Choose an indulgent dessert first

An unusual study finds that when people choose an indulgent dessert before picking the rest of their meal, overall, they will consume fewer calories.

The best healthful fast-food options

Fast-food restaurants may save people time cooking at home, but some of their meal options may be high in calories and fat and low in nutrients. Learn about the most healthful fast-food options here.

How tomato sauce can boost your gut health

Tomato sauce is not just a tasty addition to your meal, it is also a healthful one. It could help to boost the activity of good bacteria in the gut.

Could longer school lunch periods encourage healthy eating?

Giving students more time to eat their lunch, new research suggests, may allow them to eat more of their meal and encourage healthier food choices.

State Laws Aimed At Improving School Meals Help Teens Eat More Fruits And Vegetables, New Study Finds

Students’ intake of fruits and vegetables increased when states required schools to offer them at lunch, especially among teens who had only unhealthy snacks available at home Teens in states that required schools to offer fruits and vegetables as part of the meal program consumed more fruits and vegetables than those living in states with no such policies, according to a st…

Eating At Home Likely To Prevent Childhood Obesity

University of Granada researchers have confirmed that there is a significant direct relationship between the nutritional status of children and the person who prepares their meal…

How To Stay Fit And Trim This Thanksgiving – 15 Tips

Estimates for calories consumed during a Thanksgiving dinner range from 3,000 to 5,000. What most nutritionist today agree with is that the core of the meal itself is not where most of the calories are, but rather all the other goodies that come with it…

Government Of Canada Promotes Safe Food Handling Practices With On-Line Resources

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has created four web-based videos that promote safe food handling practices in the home. The four main messages of Clean, Separate, Cook and Chill are demonstrated in four meal preparation videos to help Canadians better understand these important food safety messages and put them into practice…