Organic food does not reduce women’s risk of cancer

Women who mostly or always eat organic foods have the same overall chance of developing cancer as women who never eat it, according to a new study from the UK’s University of Oxford and published in the British Journal of Cancer that followed over 600,000 middle-aged women for nearly a decade.

Organic Food Not Safer Or Nutritionally Superior To Conventional Foods

Overall, organic foods are not nutritionally superior to conventional foods, neither are they safer regarding bacterial contamination, researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine reported in Annals of Internal Medicine. The scientists emphasized that they did not find any significant evidence pointing to nutritional benefits linked to the consumption of organic foods…

For Kids, Healthy Eating Starts At Home, According To GfK MRI

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree when it comes to healthy habits, according to GfK MRI’s American Kids Study and its supplemental Parents Study. According to newly released data, parents who purchase low-calorie or organic foods and parents who don’t keep junk food at home have children who are more likely than the average child to express healthy eating-related attitudes…

Organic food in pregnancy

Who eats organic food when they are pregnant?