Breakfast cereals: ‘Almost zero correlation’ between health claims and nutritional content

Four recent studies examined claims appearing on the packaging of food items. They compared the claims with reality and found a significant mismatch.

Getting children to embrace healthy food

Researchers at the University of Bonn: attractive packaging makes identical products taste betterIf the packaging has an appealing design, primary school children also reach for healthy foods.

The chemical compound contaminating your Friday night glass of wine

We all know what risks our favourite wines and spirits pose to our health but now scientists reveal that the packaging of these drinks may be just as damaging.

Detecting spoiled food without opening the container

A color-coded smart tag could tell consumers whether a carton of milk has turned sour or a can of green beans has spoiled without opening the containers, according to researchers. The tag, which would appear on the packaging, also could be used to determine if medications and other perishable products were still active or fresh, they said.

Food Safety: Packaging From Recycled Cardboard May Transfer Unsafe Levels Of Mineral Oil

Concerns that foods packed in material made of recycled cardboard may contain mineral oil above agreed limits are causing some food companies to change their packaging material, and in one UK company’s case, to stop using recycled board altogether…