Better breakfast, better grades

University of Iowa research shows free breakfasts improve performance of schools with more students from low income familiesA new study from the University of Iowa reinforces the connection…

Green tea could aid weight loss – new study

New research shows that green tea could help people to lose weight, if combined with exercise.

Patients with vitamin D deficiency at greater risk for more severe heart disease

Vitamin D deficiency is an independent risk factor for heart disease with lower levels of vitamin D being associated with a higher presence and severity of coronary artery disease, according to research presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 63rd Annual Scientific Session.A growing body of research shows that vitamin D may be beneficial in preventing heart disease.

A high protein diet and meal replacements can reduce rebound weight gain

New research shows that there are several effective strategies available to people wanting to avoid regaining weight after a successful diet. Anti-obesity drugs, meal replacements and a high protein diet can help weight loss maintenance, according to a meta-analysis published in the scientific periodical The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition…

Both a Mediterranean diet and diets low in available carbohydrates protect against type 2 diabetes, study suggests

New research shows that a Mediterranean-style diet and diets low in available carbohydrates can offer protection against type 2 diabetes.

Inflammation Reduced In Overweight Older Adults By Omega-3

New research shows that omega-3 fatty acid supplements can lower inflammation in healthy, but overweight, middle-aged and older adults, suggesting that regular use of these supplements could help protect against and treat certain illnesses…

Food Marketing Targeted At Kids Still Not Ideal

New research shows that the US government and schools have only achieved a mixed progress in its extensive quest to address food and beverage marketing practices that are harmful to young people’s health…

Exercise And Vegetarian Diet Offer Protection Against Diabetes In Black Population

New research shows that following a vegetarian diet and exercising at least three times a week significantly reduced the risk of diabetes in African Americans, who are twice as likely to be diagnosed with diabetes when compared to non-Hispanic whites…

Traditional remedy bitter cumin is a great source antioxidant plant phenols, study suggests

Bitter cumin is used extensively in traditional medicine to treat a range of diseases from vitiligo to hyperglycemia.

Live Well & Live Longer With Foods For Healthy Aging

Whether you are in your 20s, 40s, 80s or beyond, research shows that people who eat a balanced diet, don’t smoke, and exercise regularly lead longer, healthier lives. Making improvements to your lifestyle at any age can help you reduce your risk of chronic disease and improve your overall health. Aging can take a toll on many parts of your body, including eyes, bones, muscles, heart and mind…

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