Belly fat linked to vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is a huge and growing problem in the United States. A recent study finds a link between abdominal fat and low levels of vitamin D.

Over half of American babies are given solids too early

According to new research, more than half of babies in the United States are given non-milk foods and fluids before the recommended 6-month mark.

Low calcium may raise cardiac arrest risk by twofold

Researchers have linked low blood calcium levels to a greater likelihood of sudden cardiac arrest, a leading cause of death in the United States.

GM soybean oil causes less obesity and insulin resistance but is harmful to liver function

Researchers have tested a genetically-modified soybean oil used in restaurants and found that while it induces less obesity and insulin resistance than conventional soybean oil, its effects on diabetes and fatty liver are similar to those of conventional soybean oil, the major vegetable cooking oil used in the United States, with popularity on the increase worldwide.

Later circadian timing of food intake is associated with increased body mass index

Weight gain and obesity has been described as an epidemic and a complex problem in the United States.

Do probiotics for eczema work?

Eczema is one of the most common skin conditions in the United States, and research into treatment is ongoing. Learn about using probiotics to treat eczema

Food insecurity in early childhood linked to young children’s skills in kindergarten

In the United States, estimates show that a substantial number of children under age 5 live in households that are food insecure.

Unhealthy diets linked to more than 400,000 cardiovascular deaths

Eating a diet lacking in healthy foods and/or high in unhealthy foods was estimated to contribute to more than 400,000 deaths from heart and blood vessel diseases in the United States in 2015. Eating more nuts, vegetables, and whole grains, and less salt and trans fats, could save tens of thousands of lives in the US each year.

High levels of vitamin D may improve muscle strength

Using a cutting-edge technique, researchers from the United Kingdom investigate the effect of active and inactive vitamin D levels on muscle strength.

Study explains how western diet leads to overeating and obesity

More than two in three adults in the United States are considered overweight or obese, with substantial biomedical and clinical evidence suggesting that chronic overconsumption of a “western diet”…

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