Telling People To Drink Eight Glasses Of Water A Day Is "Debunked Nonsense", Doctor Argues

Is it a myth that drinking at least eight glasses of water a day is necessary to prevent dehydration? Dr. Margert McCartney, a GP (general practitioner, primary care physician) says it is more than nonsense “it is debunked nonsense”

Latin American blueberries found to be ‘extreme superfruits’

With antioxidant levels two to four times higher than the blueberries available in the US, two species native to Central and South America may challenge one of summer’s favorite treats as a source of these disease-fighting substances.

No Single Approach Will Solve America’s Obesity Epidemic

Placing healthier foods for sale nearer people’s home is a useful step towards making America a healthier nation, but the impact on overall eating habits, and ultimately the country’s obesity epidemic, is not significant…

Omega-3 Reduces Anxiety And Inflammation In Healthy Students

A new study gauging the impact of consuming more fish oil showed a marked reduction both in inflammation and, surprisingly, in anxiety among a cohort of healthy young people. The findings suggest that if young participants can get such improvements from specific dietary supplements, then the elderly and people at high risk for certain diseases might benefit even more…

No Magic Bullet To Improve Diet, Stem Obesity Epidemic

Will people eat healthier foods if fresh fruits and vegetables are available in stores near their homes? Will they eat less fast food if restaurants are not in their neighborhoods

Lycopene May Help Prevent Prostate Cancer In African Americans

Lycopene, a red pigment that gives tomatoes and certain other fruits and vegetables their color, could help prevent prostate cancer, especially in African American men, according to new research at the University of Illinois at Chicago…