Overall quality of pregnant woman’s diet affects risk for two birth defects, study shows

The overall quality of a pregnant woman’s diet is linked with risk for two types of serious birth defects, a new study has shown. In the study, women who ate better before and during pregnancy gave birth to fewer infants with malformations of the brain and spinal cord, or orofacial clefts, such as cleft lip and cleft palate.

Despite Healthier Options At Fast Food Joints, People Still Choose Burgers Not Salads

As the Government increases its oversight on food, with proposals for mandatory lower salt requirements, and ideas of taxes on sugar and fat, people are still choosing burgers over salads.

Denmark Taxes Fatty Food

In a bid to encourage healthier eating among its citizens, Denmark, a country famous for its butter and bacon, has brought in a tax on foods containing more than 2.3% saturated fat.

Multiple Sclerosis Attacks Suppressed By Glucosamine-Like Supplement

A glucosamine-like dietary supplement suppresses the damaging autoimmune response seen in multiple sclerosis, according to a UC Irvine study. UCI’s Dr…

Neurotoxin-Producing Algae That Affect Seafood Increasing In California

With toxic algal blooms – which can increase the amount of harmful toxins in the shellfish that California residents consume – ramping up in frequency and severity locally, scientists at USC have developed a new algae monitoring method in hopes of one day being able to predict when and where toxic “red tides” will occur…

How To Reduce Your Risk Of Breast Cancer – Dietitians’ Viewpoint

In the USA breast cancer incidence is the highest in the world, at 128.6 cases per 100,000 Caucasian women, and 112.6 per 100,000 African Americans.